Eco-Tech The leading laboratory in Israel in the field of air monitoring
Testing of air pollutants in the environment (in the open air), is required for the purpose of environmental control of the sources of emissions and examination of their compliance with air quality values as set forth in the Clean Air Regulations (2011) and the guidelines of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
These tests are based on the international methods of US-EPA and MASA for non-focal emissions from various types of facilities.
Our company provides a range of services from the preparation of a sampling plan to the production of a summary report report in Hebrew and English and includes: a preliminary tour of the plant site (as needed) and an environmental inspection according to an approved plan.
Eco-Tech Environmental Services company takes a sample of ambient air and performs analysis for the purpose of measuring the amount, concentration or composition of air pollutants.
Sampling is performed wherever there is a concern about the presence of contamination of suspended dust and settling dust / metals / organic compounds.