Odor tests

Eco-Tech The leading laboratory in Israel in the field of air monitoring

Odor can be a hazard if its intensity, characteristics, frequency and period of presence are such that can cause adverse health effects in the exposed public

Section 3 of the Prevention of Hazards Law, 1961, odor prevention, stipulates that:
“A person shall not cause a strong or unreasonable odor, from any source if it interferes, or is likely to interfere, with a person nearby or passers-by.”

In most cases, odor nuisance occurs when even minimal amounts of odorous substances are in the air. In addition, odor nuisance can be caused by the presence of odorous substances in the air for a very short period of time. Odor nuisance may be exacerbated due to reactions between the various substances in the air.
Odor hazard depends not only on the concentrations of the substances in the air but also on the type of odor, the meteorological and topographic conditions, the population density and its characteristics.
Odor can be a hazard if its intensity, characteristics, frequency and length of stay are such that may cause adverse health effects in the exposed public, harm their well-being or interfere with a person’s enjoyment of life, property, and business (as published in the Office’s Odor Definition Procedure) (2019). For the protection of the environment).


Eco-Tech is an environmental service certified for odor sampling (odor sampling originally) from focal sources (eg chimneys), volume source (eg storage buildings) and field source (eg waste sites, sewage evaporation ponds, biofilters, etc.) in accordance with international standard EN 13725.
Odor intensity assessment is performed using a state-of-the-art olfactometer with an advanced smell panel.
Odor dispersion prediction is performed using an AERMOD model or other dispersion model with prior written approval from the supervisor.
Based on the findings obtained, our company produces a concluding report in Hebrew and English.

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